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Lili & Lace Shop

 As a busy wife and mom, I was looking for a way to hone into my creative side and provide some extra income for our family. After a lot of prayer and research, the Lord led me to designing apparel, home items, etc. This is how Lili & Lace Shop was born. Most of my designs are inspired by my loves in life - Jesus, Sunflowers and Motherhood! Check out my shop now! 

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In my journey to living a healthier lifestyle and finding clean, non-toxic swaps for every day products, I came across Crunchi, a skincare and makeup brand. Wincing a bit as I saw the prices, I reminded myself that quality is worth it, and I clicked "Buy". I immediately fell in love with the products I used and quickly became an Advocate. If you are wanting to try truly toxin-free, non GMO, gluten free, leaping bunny certified, and EFFECTIVE products, use my link below. New customers will get $10 off their first $50 purchase. 

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